Hello Friend....

...so glad that you're here. We hope that even though we may be miles apart, we can share those special moments of our lives with you...whenever and wherever the occur. Just do us one favor...keep us updated with your special moments, as well!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

20 Days to Go...

I did this same countdown with Jonas and it was so much fun. I love looking back on the year and seeing just how much this sweet boy has grown. From the day we found out about him we were growing in love with him. He was such a busy baby in my tummy, I knew that he was going to keep us busy when he was born. And, yes, he has definitely lived up to it.

I'll try and share a little each day about our little Micah and his personality and little personal stories.

Hope you enjoy the countdown!!!

Micah Jeffrey Flood
October 5, 2009
7lb 3oz, 21 inches
Micah--who is like the Lord; humble

Going home!! It's so funny how we buy these little outfits and when we are folding them up and putting them in the bag, we think, "there is no way he's going to fit in this...it's too small." Then once it's on, is hanging off their little body.

Day 3
Sleeping in his bassinet...he still sleeps with his face up against his bumper guard in his crib

Learning how to fold towels...and just how crazy Jonas and Dad really are


  1. Micah-Boo is the cutest little boy! Can't believe he is already almost one.
    btw Audra just informed me that Jonas and Micah-boo (she calls him that now too haha) are her friends not mine! lol

  2. We love the posts. Micah is soooo precious. We love reading about the boys.
    I know it was hard for you to leave them and go back to work. But God is faithful and has worked it out for you. Can't wait to see you.
    Momma Bev

  3. Thanks, ladies!!!

    Bev, we soooo cannot wait to see you guys!

    Summer, that is too cute. BTW, we asked Jonas about all of his friends that are girls and we asked him which one was his girlfriend....it was Audra...everytime!



Born 03.20.08 7lb 7oz 21 1/4 in