Hello Friend....
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Happy Birthday, Jonas
Friday, March 19, 2010
1 Day to Go...
On Wednseday, we took Jonas to the zoo for the first time. I'll save that story for another blog. But, we had a great time and he really loved the penguins. I love how much he has grown up, and yet, I want to keep him young. I'm trying to savor every moment. Something he likes to do to calm himself is to play with my hair. He does it when he's tired, when he's upset, or when he just needs some TLC. Sometimes it drives me crazy, but then Ryan always reminds me...he's not going to do it forever. One day, I'll wake up and realize, he does not play with my hair anymore. Kinda makes me sad to realize...he will grow up...he's doing it everyday.
It surprised me a few weeks ago when I heard him counting to 10. It surprised me when he started saying the ABC's (sometimes omitting sections or placing then somewhere else). It surprised me when he starting going to the bathroom (although we are nowhere near potty trained). Yes, he's full of surprises. Even though I don't want him to grow up, I look forward even more to the surprises that the next year will bring.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
2 Days to Go...
This was not Jonas' official "first snow" day or even Micah's. We had a small snow one day that lightly dusted the ground back in late November/early December...I can't remember. But, this was Jonas' first time to really be able to play in the s-no...as he says it. We had so much fun these two days. We watched with wonder all day as the snow kept coming down. All he wanted to do was go outside and play or watch Christmas VeggieTales movies because they had snow in the movie. We had a blast playing...I think that Ryan and I actually had more fun being kids in the snow! I know that daddy is ready to take us all to Colorado. But, until then, we'll just enjoy this crazy Texas weather!!!
3 Days to Go...
There is one thing we hear in our house...over and over (besides "no", "stop", or "don't touch") it's three little syllables, but Jonas has shortened it to two. It's "TaleTales!" He loves all things VeggieTales. Not quite sure if it's the sillines of Larry, the care of Bob, or the fact that he can relate to Junior...but, boy does he love them. He loves them so much, in fact, that he is started to sing the songs when we are out running errands and he's got favorite quotes in the shows that he is starting to say along with the characters. Is he watching VeggieTales too much? We try to limit the amount...but, if he's going to watch anything...I'm so thankful that he loves "TaleTales."
4 Days to Go...
Early in the fall and into Christmas, Jonas learned about a new "toy"....it was a slide. Everything became a slide. Oh, he had been on many slides before, at school, at church, at parks...but, it was like all of a sudden he realized just how much fun they were. When we would drive past a park he would see the slides and get excited and then mad if we were not stopping. When we would actually go to the park, he would get so upset when it was time to leave. He loved slides. He turned the bathtub ledge into a slide. Yes, it was only 2 inches, but it was a slide, nonetheless. When we went home for Thanksgiving, Mimi and Popi knew of his newest obsession and had kindly got a slide to stay at their house. He had so much fun going up and down...over and over and over and over. We knew we needed to get this boy a slide for Christmas. Maybe Santa would deliver...
5 Days to Go...
6 Days to Go...
Friday, March 12, 2010
7 Days to Go...
Thursday, March 11, 2010
8 Days to Go...
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
9 Days to Go...
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
10 Days to Go....
Born 03.20.08 7lb 7oz 21 1/4 in