Hello Friend....

...so glad that you're here. We hope that even though we may be miles apart, we can share those special moments of our lives with you...whenever and wherever the occur. Just do us one favor...keep us updated with your special moments, as well!

Friday, March 20, 2009

God's Promise

The first time that we found out we were pregnant, it was Easter Sunday 2007. We were so excited. We thought...wow, to find out on Easter is truely amazing. We figured (using an online calculator) that our due date was December 22. A Christmas baby. From Easter to Christmas...the two best holidays. However, that was not in the Lord's plan. When we went in to see the baby for the first time...it was not there. It had stopped growing early on. It was a difficult time and I was struggling with how this could happen.

However, a few months later, we were pregnant again. We decided to wait a while before telling anyone...we wanted to make sure that things were okay. When we went to the doctor and they did that first sonogram, I was a buddle of nerves. When we first saw Jonas and heard his heart beating...I started crying....he was there!!! They told us that his due date was March 23.

At the time, I did not think much about it. Then one day, I was talking to my sister-in-law, Piper, who was also pregnant and due a little later than us and she was thinking that their baby could be due around Easter. We got excited and pulled out our school calendars (we're both teachers).

Easter was not in April in 2008...it was in March. On March 23, to be exact. I could not believe it. I just stared at the calendar. What had started on an Easter Sunday, was going to be restored and renewed on an Easter Sunday.

This baby, our little Jonas, is a testimony of the Lord's love and his promise. All thoughout the pregnancy, we would pray for little things and He always answered them...abundently. From regular check-ups, to rainbows and bluebonnets.
Jonas was not born on Easter Sunday, instead he came a few days early (another answered prayer). He was born on the Thursday before Easter, on March 20th...the first day of spring. I thought this was perfect. Spring is often thought of as a time of new life...and we were blessed with new life.

Jonas, I love you. I hope you will know as you grow up what a true gift you are. If you ever wonder, just read Psalm 139. The amount of love that your dad and I have for you...does not even come close to that of the Lord's.

Happy Birthday!!!

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Born 03.20.08 7lb 7oz 21 1/4 in