What a cutie!!! I love this picture! Micah is getting bigger and bigger each day...I cannot believe that in just a few months we will be celebrating his first birthday. I was just talking to Ryan a day or two ago about this time last year. I was getting anxious about this guy's arrival....and now look how fast the time has flown!
Here is a link for the past month's pictures. Micah is 9 months!
Our little guy is allllllll over the place. He is much more adventurous than big brother....maybe, because he has Jonas to show him all the tricks of the trade. As soon as Micah figured out crawling, there was no stopping him. It's incredible how fast he can find and get into "trouble." Trouble Spot #1 is Turner's food bowl and water. Trouble Spot #2 is the bathtub. He moves around so much I can barely grab him to get him washed. Trouble Spot #3 is the living room. We have put up as many barricades as we can to prevent him from escaping around the side of our fireplace ( bc I kept freaking out every time he went near it) just so that he could make a bee-line back to Trouble Spot #1.
He is having the time of his life. In the evenings, we play chase with Jonas. Recently, Micah has figured out the game and has joined in on the fun. He will come after me and "chase" me and Jonas and then when we turn around and it's my turn to chase the boys...he'll turn and around and crawl away as fast as he can....laughing all the way!! He is such a happy boy....well, except for when he's tired, hungry or mad because I give him to someone else to hold (yes, momma's boy!).
He is pulling up on everything and chewing on it during the process. He'll let go of things as if he is just going to take off walking...I'm afraid he's going to do it sooner than I'd like. (He's such a little guy and I don't want him to get hurt.) He loves to dance, too. When any music comes on, he starts to move and groove!
Like I said, he's chewing on everything. If he can put it into his hand...or...if he can just get his face up to it...it's a chewing toy. It's so funny because Jonas hardly ever chewed on anything. *Read below to learn about some of Micah's favorite teething toys.
Two weeks ago, he got Roseola. He woke up one morning with a fever and it would come and go all day for about 4 days. Finally, the fever broke and then came the little rash. It would not have been so bad if were not for the fact that he was one very unhappy camper. It took him a little over a week to get back to normal. One thing about Micah, if he does not like something...he'll let you know...loudly. He'll also make the entire neighborhood or restaurant know, too.
At his 9 month check up the doctor said he was looking good...even for a little guy like him. The only thing that came back a little upsetting was that his iron levels were low. I'm guessing since he's only breastfed and because he moved on from baby food so quickly (which is when we added the cereal for his iron), he just did not have enough iron in his blood. So, he is now taking an iron supplement each day and they will recheck his levels at 12 months. Please be praying for him. There is research about children with low iron and it can effect their cognitive development as they get older....but, we are praying and believing that he will be just fine...so, please agree with us.
Looking forward the what the next month will bring....until then....
Current Stats:
Weight--15lb. 13 oz. in the 3rd percentile. Yes!! There are children smaller than him!
Length--28 in. 60th percentile
Feedings--3 a day
Meals--3 big ones
Snacks--2 big ones and maybe another small one :)
Teeth--3, two on bottom and 1 on top...but, 3 more are trying to come in on top. Crazy!
Favorite foods--Blueberries, yogurt, toast and jelly, mashed potatoes, steamed sweet potatoes, applesauce, sweet peas, tortillas, mac and cheese with broccoli, cheese and crackers, grilled cheese sandwiches, and of course.....the sweets...ice cream, cake and just recently... powdered sugar donuts.
Words--momma, dadda, lalalalalala....he says them, but does not understand them
Signs--more, eat, dog, and bird
Favorite "chew" toys--my shoulder, his spoons, books, all toys, the remote controls, the baby gate, the chair, his crib railing, our shoes (yes...he's something!), frisbees...again, just about anything you could think of.
Favorite things to do for fun--Chase mommy, daddy, and Jonas, try to hunt down Simba, watching Turner outside, destroy Jonas train tracks, pull all the clean close out of the laundry basket (because mom will let it sit in the hallway for days), and EXPLORE!
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