Hello Friend....

...so glad that you're here. We hope that even though we may be miles apart, we can share those special moments of our lives with you...whenever and wherever the occur. Just do us one favor...keep us updated with your special moments, as well!

Thursday, February 11, 2010


That's how Jonas says it. S-No!!! Ryan woke me up around 6:15 am to show me the snow. We were really hoping that school would be canceled so that he could stay home, get caught up on grading papers, but mostly, so he could go play outside with the J-Man. But, no luck. Luckily, though, there should still be snow throughout the day, so hopefully he can come home and play with Jonas. I was really hoping that Ryan would not have to go to work so that I would NOT have to go outside....it's too cold for me. I love the snow....from the inside!

Anyway, Jonas and I got all bundled up and eventually found ourselves outside in the backyard around 7:45am. At first, he was a little hesitant. That white stuff covering the ground was very cold. I put his little gloves on and then the fun began. He was having so much fun walking around, here the snow crunch under his shoes, and picking up little snow balls and throwing them. He kept saying "awesome" and "s-no, momma."

I was wondering if he was going to try eating the snow and finally, about 5 minutes before we went inside, he did. Yep, it was cold! He had a huge snowball in his hand, took a big bite, made a very curious face and then spit it out!! He said, "cold."

Of course, when it came time to go back in...he was not happy with me. Actually, he was not happy with me for a while. But, once I got some food into his belly he was a much happier boy. He's standing in front of the window right now, looking out at the snow.

It's a beautiful sight to behold, it really is. I'm just glad that it's not a blizzard!!! Thank you, Lord.

Click on this link to see his fun adventure in the s-no!!! Fun in the Snow!'>Fun in the S-No!!!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Micah is 4 Months

Well, it's official, we've made it to the 1/3 mark! LOL. Micah, of course, is getting bigger each day. That being said, so is his personality. I love how he is taking shape to be his own little person. I'm sure all families do this....they compare their children to one another. It is neat to see how he does share some of Jonas' traits (more physical than anything), but even neater how God has created him to be unique. Jonas was content to snuggle all day long...Micah wants to be up and in the action. Jonas would eat like it was gourmet dining, taking his time...Micah eats like it's the Indy 500. That being said, Jonas spit up probably 5 times his whole life...Micah can cover 5 spit ups in an hour. Jonas did not like going to sleep in his bed...Micah is fairly good about putting himself to sleep...Jonas never could. I just love how they are different. One thing is the same, though...and that is just how beautiful they are! I love my boys!!

Our little Micah is growing before our eyes. He tries so hard to sit up, wherever he is...in his boppy, in his swing, even on the floor. When we practice, he holds on to my fingers so tight and he holds his little head up so well. He is also trying to roll over from his back to his tummy. He just needs to learn to turn his head and he'll be there. The problem with that, though, is that once he's on his tummy, I don't know what he'll do. He still does not enjoy tummy time. So, I'll keep you posted on that!

I'll take both boys to the doctor on the 24th for their check-up. I have a feeling that the way Mr. Micah is growing, he might catch up to big brother one day! We'll see!!

Here are our current stats:

Weight--13lb. 10. oz
Length--27in (by my measuring...we'll see what the doctor says)
Feedings per day--We're at 6 now!
Naps--In between each feeding he'll take a catnap, with the exception in the evening. He also takes one very long nap from around 11:30-1:30 or 2 when we are at home.
Sleeping at night--His last feeding is around 9 or 9:30 and he sleeps until 7:30 to 8.....awesome!
Spit ups--See above text
Tickle spots--under the chin and under both ribcages
Favorite happy spot--the changing table....he must know how good it feels to get a clean diaper. However, I can't get him undressed easily bc he's always trying to grab my hands to chew on them!!!
Teeth--not yet, thank goodness. But, like I said above...he's always trying to chew on our hands or his hands or any thing he can get in his mouth.
Favorite toy--his little geometric ball (see pictures below) and some links
Favorite entertainment--whatever Jonas is doing
Pacifer--only when he wants to sleep. Otherwise, he'll suck on it for a few minutes, then yank it out...he'd rather suck or chew on his own hands! LOL
Hair--still short and fine....it's so light in the front that he sometimes looks like he has a receeding hairline LOL
Eye color--they are still blue, but it's a dark blue...they're beautiful (yes, one pupil is still larger, too)
Smiles a day--too many to count!!! His smile is just a beautiful

About to roll over

Asleep...one hand on the paci and the other on his favorite toy

Playing with Jonas

Trying to eat Jonas' hand

Hey there, good looking!!


Born 03.20.08 7lb 7oz 21 1/4 in