Hello Friend....

...so glad that you're here. We hope that even though we may be miles apart, we can share those special moments of our lives with you...whenever and wherever the occur. Just do us one favor...keep us updated with your special moments, as well!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Cookie Monster

Ryan made chocolate chip cookies last night....and created a monster in the process (read his blog page: incuriousthought.blogspot.com to see how it all started)! Everytime Jonas would come into the kitchen, he would start saying "yum yum." It did not take him long before figuring out that the cookies came from the "big black thing" in the kitchen. He would go to the oven and look in at his beloved cookies and wait....impatiently. And, yes...all of this was happening around 9 o'clock at night. :)

Then, this morning, when we woke up...the first thing he said when we walked out into the kitchen and he saw the remains of last night's work station, he said...again, "yum, yum." Of course, I could not help myself either (blame it on the pregnacy...or just my sweet tooth), but we shared a cookie. But, he now knew where the cookies were being stored....so, about 5 minutes later...he made his trek into the kitchen and pointed and showed me where the cookies were...saying, "cookie, cookie" over and over. Thankfully, the camera was right there so that I could capture the cookie moment....or should I say, the cookie monster!

There the are!

Come on! How do I open this thing?

Alright...I'll just wait here.

That's where they were last night.....

....but, now.....

....that's where they are! Give me cookie!!


  1. Jonas is getting so big! What a cutie! Love the blog. Glad to have a way to keep up with you guys! Still need to meet the boys in your life someday!

  2. YUM! We made cookies the other night too. Then we turned around the next day and made cupcakes. Don't feel bad about your morning cookie (c;



Born 03.20.08 7lb 7oz 21 1/4 in