Well, I know he's been here for almost 3 weeks, but here is a look at those first few days after Micah was born. Actually, I was looking back at my last blog and realized that I wrote that the day before he was born....what timing!!! It's almost like when Jonas was born.
So, here's the story....
Monday morning around 2 am, I woke up, thinking that I started having contractions. But, I decided that if I could go back to sleep, then it probably was just more of the Braxton Hicks contractions. So, I did. Only to wake up again around 3:30. I started timing the contractions and they were averaging around 7 minutes apart. This went on for the next hour. I went ahead and got up, realizing that I was in the early stages of labor and that we would probably be having our baby within the next 24 hours. So, I went to the computer at 4:45 am to pay bills...just in case...I did not want to forget. :) I went back to bed, just to wait until Ryan woke up. When he did, around 6:30, I filled him in on what was going on. I actually had a doctor's appointment that morning, so I asked him to come with me...thinking that she was going to go ahead and admit me in the hospital. So, we got ready (I did my hair), packed our bags and took Jonas to a friend's house.
While on our way to the doctor, the contractions where actually slowing down. I started to worry that I would get there and she would tell me that it was just false labor. She came in to check me, and then said to us, "Well, are you guys ready to have a baby today?" I was so excited...and ready! I was 4 cm dilated and 75% effaced...which was a drastic difference from my last appointment...I was nothing!!! She sent us up Labor and Delivery and I was admitted.
A couple of hours later, they came in and gave me my epidural and my water broke....awesome!!! Thirty minutes later it was time to push. 5 pushes later....Micah Jeffrey was born!!
Micah was born at 4:02pm, weighing 7lb 3 oz, and measuring 21 inches long. Since he's been home he's put on about 13 oz, weighing about 8 lb now. He's a pretty good baby and sleeps well during the night...except to wake me up to eat. The only trouble he's had is with jaundice. He was on the border line of moderately high risk to high risk. So, we went ahead and did the light therapy. It's a little sleeve that you put under the clothing, so that you can still hold your baby. He looked like a little glo-worm. After two days of treatment, his levels had come down and he came off the light. However, he's still a little jaudiced, so the doctor is continuing to monitor his levels.
Jonas has done extremely well with the new baby. He really seems to care for and like Micah (Mikey). He's always trying to check up on him and for the most part he's very gentle with him. Of course, if Micah's pacifier is left laying around...it almost always ends up in Jonas' mouth!
Tomorrow, Micah will be three weeks old. I promise that I will try to give more frequent update, now that I'm more adjusted to this new life. I hope you enjoy the pics!!!
Love and Blessings!

Just after Micah was born

Sweet baby

First family picture

Mimi and Micah

Popi and Micah

Day 2 (Love my gown)

Going home

Mimi helping out


Big brother checking on Micah

Having a little conversation


Ma ma and Pa pa

Aunt Hayley


Grandma's and grandbabies

More conversations

Neighborhood Watch Program


How sweet

My little cheeseball

Jonas took this picture!