Our little man is now 2 months old. I cannot believe how fast it's gone by. Again, though, at 4 am it seems to barely be moving. "This, too, shall pass." And, when it does I'm sure I'll look back and wonder where the time went. He is doing so well, though. (See stats below). His jaundice is mostly gone...he no longer has that yellow/orange color in his face. Praise God!
Our Micah is such a happy boy, except between the hours of 6pm-10pm...he gets a little fussy (actually fussing right now as I type). I call it our "frumpy hours." It can get a little tiring...having an unhappy baby and not knowing what he needs and what to do to make him happy. But, that's okay. We know he's perfect because that just how the Lord made him. We would not have him any other way.
This next month is a big one...lots of growing to take place. He'll hopefully (fingers crossed) start sleeping through the night and he should be able to hold up his little head. I'll let you know next month!
Current Stats:
Weight--11lb 4 oz (big boy)
Length--22.5 in (tall boy)
Clothing size--3 months (again, big boy)
Favorite sayings--"Oye, oye" and "Ooo"
Favorite objects to look at and talk to--Ceiling fan, living room curtains, and Jonas (when he's still enough)
Smiles--all the time
Squeaks--immediately following the smile
Fingers--still 10
Toes--same as above :)
Feedings--8 a day (mommy is ready for more sleep)
Thoughts about Santa--Nice man; weird clothes, though